Regarding the increase of saffron price in last couple of months in Iran, the usage of this seasoning is facing 70% reduction.
“with the increase of saffron price in last couple of months this product is considered a luxurious item which is whether completely left out of the family baskets or it’s minimized.” Says Qolam reza Miri.
Vice president of national council of saffron said: “considering inland markets’ slump, the usage of saffron in reduced by 70% which makes the Per capita consumption minimized, it went from 1 gram to 0.4 or 0.45 grams per person, the only solution to make this strategic product constancy produced is to suppress export problems.”
As national council of saffron expressed, the minimum price of this red gold is 24 million tomans per kilo and the maximum price is 38 million tomans which is not changed compared to the last month prices.
With the decrease of basic customs tariff and managing the export of agricultural products, officials have promised that basic customs tariff will be decreased and agricultural products will be managed so that with the upswing of export and preventing smuggling the export reduction of these last couple of months is compensated.