The effects of saffron extract on physical, chemical and antibacterial characteristics of gill (fish meat).
Fish are highly putrescent and to prevent or delay them from putrescencty, using preservatives during the maintenance time is essential.This essay is about discussing the effects of saffron extract on physical, chemical and antibacterial characteristics of gill. Fish were immersed for 90 minutes in the o, 200, 400 and 600 milligrams of liquid extract of saffron. The bacterial, physical, chemical and PH factors were measured. In samples treated with saffron extract, TBARs (Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) were less than other present samples. The results suggest that saffron lowers the fat oxidation of gill during the maintenance. Based on microbial test results treated samples were usable untill the day 16 and control sample untill the day 8. This study and similar studies shows that increase of PH during gill maintenance is caused by production and accumulation of basic compounds like ammonia and TVB-N which are created by bacterias such as Proteolytic bacteria that causes degeneration. Also with increasing the amount of saffron extract, the amount of mesophile aerobe bacteria and psychrotrophic bacteria drops significantly.